1> Navarre: Where is the wedding you are going to?
ZN: Its my cousins wedding.
2> ZM: Coach, why does the defense move out of the way when the goalie calls for the ball?
Navarre: So that the defense doesn't interfere with the goalie catching the ball.
ZM: Well, what if the goalie doesn't catch the ball?
Navarre: Then the goalie should not call for the ball.
ZM: What if he does anyway?
Navarre: Then the goalie made a mistake.
ZM: Why would the goalie do that?
Navarre: .......................
3> NS: Coach, why are you eating that?
Navarre: Do you mean, why am I eating this during my lunch, or why am I eating a piece of fish, or....?
NS: Why are you eating fish?
Navarre: Because it is better for me than red meat or chips and a sandwich.
NS: Why does that matter?
Navarre: Do you mean why am I eating healthy or why is it better for me or....?
NS: Why are you eating healthy?
Navarre: Besides the fact that it is better for me? I am on a diet.
NS: Why?
Navarre: I need to be more healthy.
NS: Well, how are you doing that?
Navarre: Really?!?!
This is no joke. This all just happened this hour. I could not believe it. Now, these are all great guys. Love them to death....but wow. Our last regular season game is today against a powerful Germantown team. I think the guys will be up for the challenge, but who knows for sure.
School is going well, finally almost caught up with everything I have to do. Still a couple things to check off the list.
Did our fantasy draft on Sunday and after some trading, I landed Sid the Kid, so it is going to be another sweet year for Fantasy Hockey and The Pittsburgh Penguins!
Brewers are terrible. Packers are awesome, but did not look great against the Lions. Hope they play well next week against the Redskins.