I would like to tell everyone that it was some major injury sustained during men's league hockey, or participating in some harrowing, exciting activity. However, it was not. After a full year of getting hit in the face with hockey sticks, and having pucks ricochet off my shins. Playing racquetball at the YMCA, shoveling wet loads of snow, climbing up ladders to clean out gutters, running on dark, ice covered sidewalks with the dogs...no. It was none of these things.
I fell and hurt myself during a 7th grade volleyball practice. Were you playing with the kids you may ask? Nope, just avoiding a rather small boy from being smooshed into oblivion.
Here is the story. Navarre, standing by the net, gently tossing volleyball, many falling to the floor un-hit. As the smallest of the 7th graders ran under the net, Navarre was reaching for a ball. We collided. Now, rather than crushing the 60 pound behemoth of a 7th grader, I twisted in mid air (rather gracefully) and braced on my right arm for impact. This did not end well. I have increased in size over the last few years and my fragile elbow was not able to with-stand the awesome force of my bod.
Today, one week later, I sit at my desk icing my elbow. I do not want to go to the doctor, but a week later, this may be a necessity. I tell my story hoping to alert others to the potential danger of coaching 7th grades boys volleyball. Good luck to everyone in their future endeavours.
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