HUGE win for the Homestead Hockey team. We had a great crowd at the game on the boys played great. Schmitzy and ACon had nice games with 4 points each. Our Captain and team leader Treb had 9 hits and was plus 5 in the big 6-1 victory over Greendale. Game on Friday and Saturday of next week will be huge in how the season will shape up!
I am rooting like beans tomorrow that Da' Pack win at Minnesota. They will be tied with the Bears, they will have the edge in the conference, they will have beaten Favre in MN which for any Pack fan is huge, and, it will make my Monday that much better. The Pack need to make it four in a row.
In other news, Lambeau Field Navarre had a hair cut. Now this wouldn't regularly be news except that Lamb was going to grow his hair out. It was all going well until the shedding and snarling and overall smelliness. I am not sure why, but every once and a while, Lambeau smells like fish. Not my former hockey player Fischer, but like a dead sea dweller. Horrid! Why. Someone help me here. He doesn't eat fish. He doesn't roll in dead fish like my old dog Jackson used to do. I don't rub fish on him. Eww, man it is bad. So, deciding to cut the hair was a good idea, but because I had let it go for so long, it took about 2 hours to get him back to presentable. Good news is, he doesn't smell like fish, bad news is, there is a lot of hair and I need to brush him more. On the family front, Adeline is doing fantastic. She is rolling all over the place and is a real champion. i feel bad for her right now because she has been teething and she is obviously uncomfortable.
I hope everyone who reads this is doing well, and as for tomorrow
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