Lets start on Saturday morning. The Girls Varsity team played at outstanding game at 10am at Wauwatosa East. It was a very solid performance defensively and offensively. Although I left for the bus at 7:45am, my good cousin Tim was on his way down to Port Washington with his girls.
Tim did a great job, helping me rewire the oven and the microwave (Molly and I can once again eat) as well as hooking up the dishwasher and finishing off the needs in the circuit box. ALL is working well. The 5 of us then traveled to Rhythm and Brews for a nice dinner. We also played one of the most competitive games of Jenga I have ever been a part of.

On Sunday morning, Molly and I got up early and finished the first coat of paint on the kitchen. Then, the 4 yards of mulch was delivered and we piled it on think. As my friend Christopher said, "If I get weeds through this, I am going to be really bent." Looks very nice outside. I then cut the grass pretty short as it is growing very fast! Molly and I then painted the ceiling and only have a bit more to finish with that. The cabinet doors will go back on and we will be near the finish line of the remodel the kitchen project.
Hopefully school goes well this week and my masters class, which is on Monday night. Two soccer games this week against Milwaukee Lutheran and Menomonee Falls (solid team). NO meetings this week...YES
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