Today is the day that I get my lung biopsy done. I am a little bummed because it is general anesthetic, so I had to stop eating and drinking at 12am last night. Too bad, I heard the breakfast at Froedtert was good. Last night I had some of the food and it was a nice surprise, kind of better than the usual hospital food. My nurse said she would let me know when it was time to go to surgery. I know Molly posted something on caring bridge, but it is not a major surgery, it is a VATS procedure. According t

o the Rush University Medical Center website, VATS is "
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat illness or injury to the lung and other organs in the chest cavity (thorax). During VATS, a tiny camera with a light source is inserted through a small incision between the ribs. A second small incision is used to insert special instruments between the ribs into the chest cavity." SO we are hoping they can treat whatever is going on in my lungs so that I can get to transplant asap! No matter what they find, we still go to transplant as that is my best hope for long term survival, we are just hoping that it can be treated quickly and effectively.
Brewers and Packers are both on tonight, hopefully I wont be too drugged out to watch them. I also need to start doing some research for my fantasy team drafts coming up, I figure since I will have more time, I better do a halfway decent job this year.
Hope everyone is doing well!
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