Well, the date is set, the first major milestone post transplant. My 100 day workup. I have brought this up in past blog reports (is that what we're calling it). They are all scheduled, and thankfully, although it will be a long day, all of my appointments are going to be on Tuesday. I have a couple of follow up appointments to get all of the results, but having all the tests in one day is fantastic!! My schedule looks like this: 7am CT scan, 8am PFT (Pulmonary Function Test), 9am Labs (lots and lots of my life force), and 10am the big marrow biopsy and meeting with Dr. Palmer. WOW, that is going to be one heck of a day. As far as my body goes....take it easy, just a cancer update....I am feeling pretty darn good. I am continuing to have minor rashing, some good headaches, and a lack of sleep. However, that being the only real issues, I am pumped. I feel better each day, more like I feel more normal each day. Just looking to get things back to normal. I know that girls soccer try-outs start soon, and I really hope to be a part of that. I am still on many restrictions...I can only see a few people at a time (Molly and Adeline), I can visit the rink, but if people start coming in, I must leave. I was able to stop into school, but only for a short visit. I can only be around people who know they are healthy and have not been exposed to illnesses. The further away from transplant I get, as long as I stay healthy, the more freedom I will get. Speaking of getting things back to normal, an important date for me is coming up fairly quickly. I received the phone call from Aurora that I had leukemia on March 16th, 2011. It has been almost on year.
My weekend was fantastic. Lots of hockey on the internet and the championship game on TV. Congrats to EC Memorial for getting to state, congrats to GB Notre Dame for winning their first state hockey championship. Molly and Adeline were able to catch a play date in Sheboygan with Isla and Lauren, and then some breakfast with Bob and Michele before coming home to begin the clean-up process. I got to "sleep" in, mostly, just rolled around with weird dreams until I made myself a scrumptious Strawberry and Spinach smoothie. Molly, Adeline, and I got some much needed cleaning done on the house. Although, due to my restrictions, I don't really do much "cleaning." I do more sorting. I am not allowed to go into the basement because of the "dangers" of possible fungus or mold. Darn lungs. We have our laundry downstairs, which means water...etc etc...so, I get to fold. I like folding laundry about as much as I like running for fun. They are about even on the scale, the only thing worse than folding is probably matching socks. This is basically what I end up with every time I try to put all the socks together.

We finished all the socks on Sunday. Thankfully Molly helped, although Adeline thought the purpose was to just throw socks around from one place to another. She was not helpful. We also attempted to clean out the guest bedroom, which was dusty, so I had to steer clear of there as well. We did get some things put away and some other items ready for the garage sale in Eau Claire. My dad and sister are going to be able to take the garage sale items back to Eau Claire, when they bring back our computer, which died, and was brought back to life...thank you Neil!! SOOOOOO....on to the week ahead. I am ready for a great 100 day workup. I am so thankful to everyone who has helped get me here. Hopefully, turning a major corner this week! Home stretch...?
GREAT BE THE MATCH VIDEOHope this finds everyone healthy and happy!
Tony Navarre
Good luck with your day 100 tests! I know they will all go fabulously! I will say a bunch of prayers for good results! (and I think i need to borrow that cool video!)