First of all, GO PACK GO! It is a special Thanksgiving this year as I have a bone marrow transplant coming up soon. Four days until I start chemo, eight days until I am infused with the cells! I am going to do a list of things I am thankful for this year in my Top 10 Thanksgiving Thingers!
10> Sidney Crosby back in the lineup for the Pittsburgh Penguins...the man is just fun to see in action.
9> The Packers, Badgers, and Brewers for making Wisconsin Sports FANTASTIC!! Packers Super Bowl, Brewers Playoff run, and the Badgers
8> All of the people in the Homestead community: to the kids who brighten my day by bringing me movies to watch and messages to read, the Hockey family for EVERYTHING they have done, The soccer players who are always thoughtful, the Homestead staff who are the most caring people ever, and everyone else (relay for life, parents, etc)
7> Everyone who has said a prayer for me and my family
6> My friends who continue to give and give and expect nothing in return. I don't know why I deserve such great friends, but there you go!
5> The doctors, nurses, and therapists, who have literally made it possible for me to be here today
4> My family in Eau Claire, Green Bay, and all over (Toledo, Milwaukee Area, Denver, Rhode Island, Youngstown, Appleton/Neenah, Madison Area, Beaver Dam, Phoenix, St. Petersburg, Omaha, Ventura, Houston, Grand Marais, Orlando, Dayton, Los Alomos, Philadelphia, Youngstown, Chippewa Falls, Minneapolis/St. Paul...I hope I got everyone, I tried! No matter how far away they are, they make me feel like I am home
3> Adeline, my daughter who brightens my day every time I look at her...the true cure for cancer
2> My wonderful wife who has put up with and stuck with me through so much.
1> My bone marrow donor...he is saving my life
I know there are others, but it is only a top ten. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. BE HEALTHY AND HAPPY!
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