Got good news from the transplant doctor today! I did pass my pulmonary function test, so now we move on to the pre-transplant tests. We will continue to get information through-out November, but need to get through this month healthy! So, that being said, the Navarre household is on lock down. I will be staying in the house, and we wont be able to have any visitors. It is SUPER DUPER important that I don't get sick the next few weeks and although my counts are returning, we are playing it safe. We have been at this point before and things have not gone well, no jinxing, Mr. T is going to play it safe.

Had to get the Mr. T on there for my big supporter over the Pond in Scotland! Hope this finds everyone healthy and happy after a great Halloween. We'll keep you all posted for the pre-transplant tests, but no dates as of yet.
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