Saturday, January 14, 2012

Are You Ready for Some Packer Football!!

The weekend has gone well, Molly and I have been watching some movies and at her suggestion, I picked up Moneyball, The Help, and Crazy, Stupid Love. Made it through The Help, and Moneyball, threw in Crazy, Stupid Love, and what a funny scene. See if you like this scene...Crazy, Stupid, Love. Molly and I got a pretty good kick out of that one. As far as health goes, things are still going well. A little more tired today, but I think that is a result of the week prior and the need for a solid nights sleep. Got a med to help a little more with the sleeping, so we'll see how that works tonight.

Hope everyone has their Green and Gold ready to go for tomorrows game against the Giants! GO PACK GO!

TODAY is also MOLLY'S official Birthday! Happy Birthday Molly, everyone tells me a few things...

1> How did you get her?
2> You really out kicked the coverage on that one.
3> Were you her only option?
4> Did you trick her?

Again, my answers:

1> Got the right job.
2> I am a good kicker.
3> As far as I know, I was the closest.
4> Yes

Have a great night! Love you all!

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